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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Late Post~ 27/3/10

Saturday 27/3/10
Yesterday, woke up around 6am then went back to sleep because I know that I
can't really do anything much in the morning. Woke up again, this time, I woke
up at 7.20am. I woke up, And rushed outside to use the computer for some Wolf-
team xD Even though Iwas able to use, there wasn't much people playing in Sg
so I went to play in Europe. Out of all the rooms I enter, there was only one
room availiable for me to enter-_- So I played until around it was time for
breakfast. After my breakfast, I went back to play Wolfteam xD But now, there
was more people playing. So it was more fun to play now (: So I played my fav
map which was "Arrival" Played DeathMatchC. It was not fun at all because I
die a lot of times because of my weak sniper skills. So done with Wolfteam,
copy articles again. After that, Watched a little of tv and soon, it was lunch
time. Ate my lunch, Anis called. He said he wanted to play Wolfteam with me so
since I was able to play, I agreed but I said " Only play Sniper" And he agree
. I created a room, and we started. At first, I was afraid because I know that
my sniper skills kinda suck. At thwe starting, the score was 6-0. I scored 0
while he scored 6 kills. So I started to get a little angry then the score
became 6-6,8-8.10-10 then he kept saying that I asked someone to help me play
because he think I am a noob in sniper. But in the end, the score was 39-40
I was the 39 x.x Afternoon, went basketball with Jie han.I won xD Saw Dom,
Ying Ping, Janice and Lu Theng.

PWNED@[/12:58 PM]

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Holidays Over~ x(

Holidays Over~x(

The holidays are over. The worse thing is during the holidays,nobody can go out
with friends becuase it has been raining a lot. Even it's the last day. Can't let
us to go out -_-. Today wanted to do my D&T homework but only find drawing paper
but can't find the question paper so called Ridwan to ask him if he had the ques
paper and he said he didn't have it so I didn't have any choice but just to not do
it. Today whole day mostly just slack. Tomorrow would be the worst day. I hate
Mondays & Sundays. Later should be slacking because didn't have much to do so don
need say.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/5:32 PM]

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Saturday 21/3/10

Satudrday 21/3/10

Today woke up at 9.00am. Ate Pancakes for breakfast. It was okay. After breakfast
, slacked. Played Burnout Paradise. Upgraded my license liaos. After that, mother
asked us to copy some articles from the chinese newspaper for her. Done with that
, watched television.Soon, it was lunch time. My father called me and asked me to
change and go downstairs to meet him. So had lunch, bathed and went down. Today
almost the whole afternoon I was out with my father. Came home, Slacked a little,
dinner liaos -_- Time just flys so fast. So after dinner, watched "incredible
Hulk" till 8 then now. Holidays going over liaos. SIANS

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/7:54 PM]

Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday 19/3/10

Friday 19/3/10

Today, still continued with my holiday homework. Today finish off my english
journals that I need to do. Tomorrow, just need to finish my D&T homework and
I am totally done with my holiday homework. Can starting to slack a little
more xD Today not so bored. Woke up kinda early. 6.40am. Saw my father using
the computer outside so just went to toilet and when back to sleep (: Slept
a little until like 7.00am then start to be very bright liao so don't want to
sleep liaos so switched on the television and watched " Suite Life Of Zack &
Cody" Done watching that, watched some shows on nickeloeon and I switched off
the television. I layed back on bed and tried to sleep again but couldn't so
just on the computer and used. After breakfast, watched television again cos
I would prefer to do my homework after my lunch so watched television till it
was lunch time. Lunch time over, homework time.-_-

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/3:19 PM]

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday 18/3/10

Thursday 18/3/10

Today so sians... start to do homework liaos. Everyday do a little bit. Today
while day just slack. Today didn't sms much. Today thought can go out but can
't. If can also raining -_- People came to meet me but raining so can't. Today
at night, just went to Facebook, looked at some pictures, tagged at people's
blog, then close internet window liaos. Tomorrow Jie Han refuse to play b-
ball so never play lorhs.. SIANS. Straight 4 days do homework never go play
b-ball or go out -_- Someone can ask me out? Other then church LOLS

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/10:18 PM]

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday 17/3/10

Wednesday 17/3/10

Today, I said what I have to say. And I am not sure if I did the right thing at
the right time. But, I have said it, so there's no turning back from here. But
I will figure out if I did the right thing soon. But I really feel sorry forher
. The only possible thing I can say now is " I am sorry " Just blame me if you
want, I know I am greedy. So now I have nothing to do with her liaos. Don't ask
me why. But I have feeling that I did something wrong. Aiya, I will solve myself
. So don't ask anything liaos. Today,did nothing much. Played 2v1 basketball. Vs\
one random guy who borrowed the ball. After like 7 points, Jie han want to go so
last point then off we go. Today so so boring...

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/9:20 PM]

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesday 16/3/10

Thursday 16/3/10

My head is once again confused. But no one will be told why. And if ur really
really know what I am really thinking, u will think I am greedy and all. But
I just can't stop...

Anyways, Today morning, played basketball 4v5 then got other people just like
suddenly join the game then lose. Really sweaty at that time, then uniform
tucked out suddenly then Mrs Tye came-_- Scold us, then ask why we late then
let us of liaos. Tutorial today was okay, we did a 1 min speech for everyone
and Mr Dan gave us out certificate and off we go. After that, Went home.
Jie han ask me if wan go CC study room to do homework so mother say can lorhs
Brought my math homework there and did some before Jie Han came my house coz
he wanted to show me all the games he play like " Modern War Fare 2" and other
games. I wanted the games but my com just didn't have the space so only took
"Burnout Paradise" car game. Qutie fun.Played halfway then brother came back.
So need let him play-_- Dinner, and here blogging (CONFUSED)

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/9:29 PM]

Friday, March 12, 2010
Holidays ~

Friday 12/3/10

1.45pm is the start of the march holidays! The moment the bell rang, everyone in
my class started to shout like hell ~ D&T and English ask us to stay back -_- but
just give homework then zhao liao. Met Jie Han at third level and he said his leg
hurt so couldn't go for basketball training so I didn't go to basketball training
as well xD We reached our stop, go makan ;0 Then go his house to play " NBA 2K8"
lost x( So after that, he take his ball then we play basketball at 714. Score is
7-4 xD So played " Horse" with him and we zhao liaos. At home, watched tv then sms
start to come in. So didn't really replied cos wan play Left 4 Dead 2 at home xD
then at 6.30pm, played with Jun Wei and Quan Sheng. Owned them like hell LOLS.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/8:10 PM]

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday 11/3/10

Thursday 11/3/10

Today's time passes so slow.Especially for math, Mrs Ng teach like forever.
Morning, English.. had holiday homework to do....
I have already about 4 holiday homework from 4 different teachers and now Ms
Olivia gave us 3 journal entries and some other book reviews... -_- Now I am
in the lab.. Now having Datalogger Lesson but I am already done with my work
and we are allowed to surf the net so I am here posting. Later my father is
coming my school because there is PTI. Hope Mrs Ng will say something good
about me if not my father will scold me once we reach home. And I have only
2 A2's. One is my history and English. I hope to have more A so that I can
get more A

PWNED@[/3:20 PM]

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tuesday 9/3/10

Tuesday 9/3/10

Today morning , met with Jie Han and went school with school with at around
6.45am.I know it's really early. Reached school , sat with his friends and
they started to copy or do their homeworks LOL! Didn't know express students
also do this kind of things. Anyways after assembling , it was Geo so Miss
Goh took us to class and started teaching. Forgotten to bring file x( Kena
scolding by her x.x After Geo is done, it is my favourite period , CME and
it's for 2 periods! I like because sometimes Mr Das will share interesting
stories with the class. SIANS! CME period is over , Mother tongue. We had
"Ting Xie" (Spelling) I studied abit yesterday so I knew the words. After
our spelling , teacher told us some things about the Chinese Oral thing &
it was time for recess xD Walked slowly down and sat down to eat and drink.
Jun Wei came , we talked ... and suddenly there's this secondary 2 prefect
asked us " Excuse Me , is there anyone sitting here? Can we sit here? " So
we let them sit lorhs. Math nothing really happened so don't have to say
but english, Ms Olivia today not happy with our behaviour so we asked us
to stay back -_- So I stayed till 2.20pm -_- So walked out , went out
school with Ridwan. Reached home , mother playing mahjong -_- SIANS!
So bathed , went in room and slacked. Slacked quite long then watched tv.
After tv , felt a little hungry so went to eat. Done eating , used laptop
till now. About 30 mins liao.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/6:00 PM]

Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday 8/3/10

Monday 8/3/10

Monday again~ A week has past just like that. You may not maybe another month
may be gone sooner or later. Even though a week starts so fast, I still feel
monday is the day that I hate but I am free on monday xD Slowy, it will be
Thurday,Friday and it is Saturday again! And the 1 week March Holiday starts!
I think that everyone should be very happy about that. I find my life useless
as day by day passes, and everything that I do always repeats, wake up, go to
school , study, come home , bathe , lunch , do my homework , watch tv , dinner
and followed by sleep. Hope now everyday at least have something good to do that
might be useful when I grow up. Can anyone want just tell me , yes or no? I am
really troubled over that... No questions will be answered if you want to know
what is troubling me. Now nothing to say. Hope tomorrow maybe can play basketball
, go out with friends or do something else. Feels very weird , I thought smsing
would cheer up but now , I don't even feel like moving my hands , just feel like
lying down , listening to some relaxing music to calm me down.... Anyone can
help me? My only wish now is to lie down and don't have to worry about any
problems such as tests! The marks are making me even more stress! Help me...

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/6:43 PM]

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Feverish Dae~ x.x


Today in the morning, stomach hurt a little. But since it wasn't so pain, so I
still went to call Jie Han for our weekend basketball. But while playing, my
stomach was felt a little more pain, but still continued. After the game, went
to MacDonald's to grab a drink but I just rest my head on the table and suffer
in silence. After a few mins, I had to go to the toilet.. After exiting the
toilet, felt a little better so we rested awhile more and we headed back to the
basketball court. We shot only like 5 mins and we walked to West Coast Plaza.
We walked towards "Nike Factory Store" but the signs says that the shop only
opens at 11:00 so Jie Han wanted to sit down to wait till the shop opens but I
smsed my mother for permission to allow me to buy a pair of basketball shoes but
no reply so I smsed my father instead and he replied " Okay but come first, will
buy later" So we walked to the CC and played 1v1 for only 3 points and I won. So
we walked home. My stomach still hurt a little. So went home, didn't have m90uch
appetitie so didn't finish my breakfast. After my breakfast, I layed on the bed,
hoping that the pain will go away but it didn't. So no choice but to run to the
bathroom and bathed. Done with my bath, Watched tv. Watched for 20mins, my mother
called me to go to West Coast Plaza to buy my basketball shoe so I just went coz
I really wanted them so I bare with the pain. Reached the Nike Shop, the basket
ball shoe costs $69.90,$102.90,$89.90. But mother thought that the Air Jordan
shoe looked nice so I tried it on. Not so fitting so changed to a bigger size
and it was fitting xD So the price was $89.90! Mother went out and say, wa ur
basketball shoe cost $90! So expensive... Then i said " But now already very
cheap, the original price is $169 and now it is $89.90 now !" So the conver
sation went on till we reached home. The moment I went home, I ran to the bed
to lay down cos felt more pain. Ran to the toilet, and did my business. Went
back to bed. Grandma came out and asked me "Why you look so glum? " I translate
it in english. Then i said that I had stomachache so she applied the oil on my
body and my body was buring hot after a few mins after she applied it. Had my
dinner. After that, felt a little feverish so took a termometer( Don't know how
to spell" and my temperature is 38.2 x.x So now bloggin still having fever x.x
had nothing to do so I just post this. Hope my fever is gone by tomorrow morning
so that I am able to play basketball with Jie Han tomorrow xD

PWNED@[/7:46 PM]

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thrusday 4/3/10

Thursday 4/3/0

Us usual. After school, had to wait for Mrs Ng to come.. she came only after
20mins so we got all papers and off we go. I went home, called Siu Phang if
he is free and he was, so we play basketball for like 1 hour. Then came back
ate lunch and now blogging. Today would do anything special so won't be blog
-ging later. Wish me luck for tomorrow's Cross-Country xD

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/5:19 PM]

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Wednesday 3/3/10

Wednesday 3/3/10

Today, same as everyday.. only today have basketball. Ran SP today x.x Timing was
24.69. Quite slow... Anyways, after that did alot of crossover training and free
throws. Then break. After that, just shot on ur own because all the school team
players were using the court. After basketball training at 5.30pm, shot afew shots
then go home liao. Went home, bathed and mother made Nasi Lemak xD After eating,
watched tv and here blogging. English got 74.0% A2 x.x 1 more point to A1 x.x

PWNED@[/8:08 PM]

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tuesday 2/3/10

Tuesday 2/3/10

Woke up as usual, did almost exactly the same today. Took bus with Weesin, Jun Wei
and Anis. Got out of bus, talked about basketball. Bell rang, assembled, went back
to class and had Science. The class was pretty noisy. Luckily Mr Mak wasn't in if
not he would tell Mrs Ng and that would be a disaster. So Mdm Low just like keep
saying " Hey 1/5, please settle down.." So the class settled down and we greeted
her and went on to class. After school, went basketball with Anis and Ridwan.While
playing, Jie Han appeared. So we play 2v2 for like 2 points then we zhao. Reached
home, sweaty man! Had my bathed and ate my lunch. After that, smsed xD But after
smsing Min for awhile,suddenly the conversation was over after I sent something
to her about me being shy and I think she must be very sad now so after that,
Shirley smsed and I told her that I was not in the mood to sms so I now here blog
ging lorhs. Nothing to do liaos. Done with all my homework in school when english
teacher did not come so a relieve teacher came and relieve the class but the class
was noisy.. I was smsing in class xD But no reply again... Min told me leave my
phone on but when I smsed her then she never reply -_- So what to do now with her?
Anyone can tell me? Sms me. Same number..

Benedict Chonqs

PWNED@[/6:36 PM]

Monday, March 1, 2010
Monday 1/3/10

1 another month gone~ 1 month is quite long to me but 1 week passes so long...
Today the whole day I was smsing xD Morning woke up as usual, went to school as
per normal.Went with WeeSin and Quan Sheng. Reached school then stopped smsing
already. School was okay except for math period. Mrs Ng scolded thw whole class
-_- So after that, Science. We had test. Okay Okay larhs.Then mother tongue, as
usual, noisy. So talked with See Joong. He asked me if I wanted to play b-ball
after school at around 2.30pm. Finally finish school, met Jun Wei and we went to
" Mr Prata" And there was a sign write there " Warning, Mr Prata is adictive "
LOLS. Anyways, I ate plain prata. Then when home. The moment I reached home, I
start smsing Shirley and totally forgotten about basketball with See Joong so I
took my bathe. After that, See Joong smsed asking me to go. LOLS. So told him
cannot lorhs. Scared later sms too much till explode x.x

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/5:23 PM]

Site Owner

Benedict Chong is MEE Can just call me BEN :D
Birthday's on 1/5/97

Currently 12 this year
Love AuditionSEA & (:
Love Rakion <3 a lot too;D
Currently Single


.More Freedom
.More $$
.NO Internet Protector in both coms
.Outing with friends
.Yummy <3
.Private Wish!xD

Leave a tag,tq(:


♥This blog skin is all thanks to Aishah ;D