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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Today morning, went basketball with Jie han in the morning at around 8.00am.
We went to MacDonalds at the West Coast Park to have our breakfast. Had hot
cakes and hashbrowns xD We shared because I did not bring much. Only brought
$3.60 :X But luckily enought for a large ice lemon tea xD Suddenly, lots of
Commonwealths and Fairfield came in. Wondered why and some New Towners came
in too. They recognised us and asked us for our names and donation -_- So it
was some kind of CIP day or something. So we set off after we were done
eating. We went back to the basketball to shoot a little more and Jie han
wanted to come my house but my mother didn't let so we went to the 25th
Storey of my building to enjoy the view xD Was okay, then we walked down
and we went home. At home, bathed and felt so refreshed! Should talk about
the barberque liaos. So at around 4.20pm, See Joong called me and we met
at the entrance of "Blue Horizon" and after waiting for like 10 mins,
he appeared and we bought lighters and went back to the pit and I only
see JunJie, Jonathon,See Joong and Kai Quan. I was like " Wtf, why only
5 people?" Then they said that their parents did not let them to come.
So we just barberque awhile then jun jie did some crap like boiling
water on the barberque thing -_- Then he burnt the plastic cup.....
So after barberque, we wanted to play pool but it was booked so we walked
the Clementi CC to play basketball. we played 2v2 and I lost to See joong
And Kai Quan-_- but when 1v1 See Joong, I won xD My slipper also broke
-_- so walked home one leg barefooted and one leg with slipper -_- went
home, leg black like hell -_- then bathed cos was like so sweaty.
And now posting. Gonna slack later..

Benedict Chonqs

PWNED@[/10:35 PM]

Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday Once Again xD

It is friday once again. A week had is almost over.. Isn't it fast? Tomorrow I am
going to barberque with classmates. Should be fun. Today after school, went to se
e basketball match, (New Town Vs Jurong) New Town lost x( The score was 54-34. x(
Jurong is a good school so I don't say that New Town basketball sucks. After that,
Coach told us that there will be no training for those not in school team so I wa
lked home with Jie Han. We decided to play basketball while we were walking home
so I went home to grab my ball and off we go. After shooting a little, a secondary
3 guy asked us for a match but we didn't agree. Then he kept like asking us but I
still kept declining. So we went back to shooting then it started to pour no so h
eavily but still, we had to go home but Jie Han wants to come my house to play a
little so I asked my mother and we play my Xbox. After playing, the rain stopped
and we went down to play again xD Won him xD Went back and now posting.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/5:44 PM]

Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday 22/2/10

Today us usual, woke up, was like very tired and sians cos it's monday... So bath
e and went off. Listened to music while waiting for bus and reached interchange q
uite early so slacked quite long. After one bus had gone, Wee Sin is here ;D Talk
ed to him about basketball and he promised me that he would be going to basketbal
l this wednesday so I am waiting to see him on wednesday and all the following pr
actises. Reached school, coninued talking with him and Anis. After awhile Ibrahim
came. Asked him why he missed school for two days and he said his eys hurt and ha
d some appointment. Ridwan came :D Ask me pei him play basketball so did lorhs. D
idn't really actually play because when like going to play, the bell rang and the
announcement has been made to assemble in the parade square. Walked to class, and
sighed because the first period is D&T x.x D&T sucks! No offense for those who lo
ve D&T. Forgotten to pass up the homework then teacher ask me stay back but when
off xD Met Jun Wei and Ibrahim and went off to Clementi Pri xD But the security g
uard said can't so we took bus home. Bought bubble tea xD Then walked home and co
ntinued life xD Need eat dinner liaos. Bye

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/6:20 PM]

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Damn Boring ~

Today so bored... woke up so lte ... 10am... Ate breakfast,then started to slack
liaos.. noting else to do... suddenly father introduced to me this game called "
Zombie Shooter." The game was okay but started to lose at level 6 nia.. Then tri
ed for like 2 more times then mother called me and brother to do things so did l
lo. Done already, lie down on bed thinking of nothing.. then afternoon liaos. Mo
ther made the "Yu Shen" but like not the real one. So done eating, do homework l
iao. Done, played the "Zombie Shooter " again for one time xD Lost x.x So here b
logging.. So later, hope can go Vivocity or Plaza Sing to fix my phone and start
smsing liaos. Now feeling abit sad.. won't tell why.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/4:30 PM]

Thursday, February 18, 2010
18/02/10 Wednesday

Today woke up not so tired, bathe and did all things that are suppose to do in
th morning. Went out, took bus, as usual. Weesin came early so sat with him
and talked about Rakion stuff. Reached school, slacked at stairs with Anis talked
about basketball and soccer and Jun Wei came xD Talked abit then bell rang
liaos x.x So go assemble lorhs. Today during PE lesson , damn tiring... did
th beep thing. Just need do till level 6 can liao xD Was so so tired....
After PE, english... SIAN.. But only 1 period xD So survived. Recess xD
Then got Lit x.x Anyways after school got th IT thing need stay back till 5.30 x.x
When done wit the IT Hw, went to facebook, added some friends then go msn chatchat
xD then played basketball. And now. End

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/8:58 PM]

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Finally back from macau xD Lazy to type about everything what I did. Just tell ur
where and what I did. When to many hotels, eat, play fireworks,go Ocean Park took
many rides. That's all I am going to say about Macau. Too bad no phone.. should be
getting back this friday, Saturday or sunday. Thinking of writing slowly about
my 5 days but nah... tomorrow go school liaos... Later still got a bit more math
homework to do...-_-

PWNED@[/4:05 PM]

Friday, February 12, 2010
MIA 5 Days~

Now In Changi Airport posting this post. Today wake up so tired... woke up at 3am
-_- But now at the airport have quite alot of people. Going to board the plane soon already. Will miss some of my friends. Will be back on tuesday and will be in
school on Wednesday. Sian sia, the flight is 3 hours! Don't know what to do...
decided to bring my math homework and bring there but nvm.

PWNED@[/5:08 AM]

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today school very sians... The only period can slack is music ): Only like 20 mins
nia... x( Study all the way... After school, meet Phang Phang then go home together
. Then smsed mother ask if can go his house so go lorhs. Reached, watched him
playing "Sudden Attack" After watching for like 20 mins, we went for some
basketball xD Then got his friends there. Asked for match -_- I rejected but Phang
phang insisted to play so he said " We play 1v1, If I win, you play match with them
, but if u win, then we go home. So we play play play, Phang did some fouls but I
give chance cos he is not so good in basketball so play lorhs. The score was 9-13
but Phang Phang say 9-10 -_- So fell down abit cos of Phang -_- Now elbow still
pain -_- Play until like just had a bath-_- Shirt so so wet -_- So uncomfortable
cos wearing uniform and play.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/5:25 PM]

Monday, February 1, 2010
Boring Sh1t ~

Today when I woke up, was damn tired -_- I lie down back but scared late 4 school
so force myself to wake up and go bathe. After bathing, still abit tired-_-
Went to school with Weesin. Reached, slacked with him. Talked all this. Talked bout
basketball and bla bla bla. After school bell rang, assemble, go class, then study
study study study! Then FINALLY is recess. Can slack~ ;D After recess, SIANS.
Especially during Science. Today Mr Mak never come ;( So Mdm Low took over.
Was like damn tired and it was only halfway! So tried to listen and it was
finally over :D But still have Mother tongue. But during Mother tongue, I talked
with Hui Jie almost all the way xD Finish school, YES! Went home with Jie Han.
But today the Amin followed -_- Kinda bastard.... Follow us almost all the way to
our house -_- So come home, comtinued life xD

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/7:29 PM]

Site Owner

Benedict Chong is MEE Can just call me BEN :D
Birthday's on 1/5/97

Currently 12 this year
Love AuditionSEA & (:
Love Rakion <3 a lot too;D
Currently Single


.More Freedom
.More $$
.NO Internet Protector in both coms
.Outing with friends
.Yummy <3
.Private Wish!xD

Leave a tag,tq(:


♥This blog skin is all thanks to Aishah ;D