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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Long Time Bo Post Le~

Sorry, long time bo post liao..Internet now have time then prefer use the time for
games. LOLS. But still have study la. Just a bit lesser than com games ;X
Sad... Her birthday is so far away... By the time already end of year liaos..
Homework a bit lazy to do... there few days have been spending my time playing
basketball. The time, Owned XD 15-0! Felt really happy and wanted to play somemore
so the next day morning went to meet Jie Han at the playground then we go CC and
played. Was pretty hot but didn't mind so just shoot a lot but missed alot): But
still played match with him still win but the score was like 10-7. he improved alot
XD basktball rocks ;D 30/1/10 is an important day ;D

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/12:42 PM]

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today did nothing special. Today woke up quite.. 10am plus. Slack, Eat breakfast,read
newspapers,watch television. Afternoon, use a bit com. Eat lunch. At around 2,
Father ask me and brother go help him to put thing in his car. Then buy spray paint
for the old clock in my house. Around 5, I went to bathe then like 10 mins later,
Jie han called me ask me go play basketball. So like told him that I just bathed then
ask me ask mother then i keep like say I just bathe saysaysaysay until I like okay la
then go ask mother. But she say can LOLS. So was a bit happy. Changed,took wallet
and water bottle and went off. He won me. came home eat dinner then watch a like N16
show a bit then posting now. Continued life after that.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/7:31 PM]

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thought that she would smsed me ;( Hai... Hope monday come faster then can maybe
get her number and sms first other than waiting for her to sms. Yesterday when to
"Hard Rock" Hotel and stayed there for one night cos parents got a free night so
go stay lorhs. And now just came back. I was like go to phone, hoping that she will
sms but no. Sians.... Wait till Monday and see lorhs.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/1:59 PM]

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today, she got my number. I when home, thought that she would sms me but in the
end, she didn't. Feel kinda sad but I will try tomorrow to get number and sms
my ownself. Wish me luck for tomorrow;D Today kinda sians.. Finish school, follow
Jun Wei eat at school canteen then go home. Continued life.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/9:30 PM]

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Start School Agns~

Sians, Start school again... I don't know if I am suppose to be happy or angry.
happy is got friends and one more. Angry is cannot sleep longer;( But Today, went
home with Phang Phang,He did something and I am also not sure if I am suppose to be
happy or angry. He is actually helping me but tomorrow, I hope nothing happens.
Went to blogs and really happy to see ur happy. Really wish could meet up one day
and really talk and stuffs. There will be no pictures posted because 1, I don
take picture of myself, unless really sians. 2, Audi no on pei wo ;( Hope my fav
girl will online pei wo! ;X

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/8:51 PM]

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Today is the first ending of the first week of school. School was okay if u all
want to know. Now everyday go school with Jun Wei. He is the only guy who can
accompany me to school and go home with. So I am really lucky to have him as a
friend ;D Later going basketball with Jie Han. Only Jun Wei and me know who is
Jasmine. Hope monday starts faster so that we can do something.

PWNED@[/2:33 PM]

Monday, January 4, 2010
First Day Of School~

Today, almost missed the bus-stop cos the window so blur... rain droplets all
around. But luckily there were some of my school students in the bus with me so I
followed them and reached. So relieved. When I had reached the school, We walked
towards the canteen. It was full of Sec 3 students! I was a little lonely at that
time so I just sit down at canteen. Looked around for awhile then saw Clementians;D
talked talked then Jie Han came then talk talk lo. Afterwards a teacher ask us to
assemble at hall so we did. Lots of student leaders came to us and marked our
attendance. We played a few games then blablabla till recess. Met Jun Wei and talk
alot of things. Then blabla till school end then went home with Jun Wei. reached
home, so tired eat lunch, watched a little of tv, bathe, then sleep a little bit.
Woke up at around 5. Did what Mrs Ng told us then slack. Dinner. Eat. Here blogging
lorhs. Short and Sweet;D Hope I can make more friends then won't feel so bored.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/7:37 PM]

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Nothing Special~

Today nothing special happened. Life was the same, except that today went to
Suntec City to see some exibition about chinese stuff, then when to see the
glowing pearl and went to a chinese restaurant. The table is so f**king small!
We had to join tables in order to put all the food on the table. Mother was angry
so she didn't join us for dinner. She went to walk. When we were done, we had to
wait for her. While waiting, we threw paper airoplane here and there. Then father
got impatient and just called her to meet at " Giordano" We met, went to the
carpark,drove the car and here we are! I watched a little of "Spiderman 3" then
here blogging. Need to wake up early so bye

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/9:11 PM]

Malaysia Trip~

Yesterday went to malaysia till 4 plus. Morning woke up, slack, eat and when to
bathe. Changed to some outing clothes, worse shoes, and we were off. First off,
father drove to his sister's house voiddeck to meet up. After waiting for awhile,
everyone arrived. They wrote the white papers, talked a little abit, and my father
lead all of them to malaysia, Kulai. When we were there,we stopped at the nearest
petrol station to get something to drink. Then we went to my grandmother the
sister's house. Then followed by her brother's. At the brother's house, there was
really fierce dog barking all the way. And at the back of the house, he is growing
lots of stuff. There were brinjals and many others. After that, we were brought to
a restaurant. The food was simply delicious ! ;duh Then cousin took pictures,
talked and we went to the sister's house again. Went there to slak for quite awhile
. My brudder and I just rolled the basketball here and there to past time. After
playing for so long, they were ready to set off the Singapore ;D We followed the
uncle to the customs and he went back home. After the custom, my father drove
really fast at the highway! There may pictures posted during the wedding dinner on
25 Dec 2009. Gratz K & D ;D My cousin is the guy.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/12:12 PM]

Friday, January 1, 2010

Firstly I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! ;D Was watching the
countdown and smsing favourite girl. Happiest moment was when the coundown was at
zero and everyone screamed at their loudest voice "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Even heard
people from my playground screaming! Was really really happy at that time. Going
to be 13 years old soon already, a year closer to almost everything to life.
Have to be mature already. So as all the secondary one students this year. 2009
has been a fun year from me. And I really hope there will be more fun happening
in 2010 ;D Today watched "Avatar 3D." It was nice. But it was nothing much in 3D.
This show is the longest show I have ever seen. We went in at 5, came out at 7.55pm
! Shocker. Happy New Year once again. Chinese New Year is coming! ;D I expect
lots of red packets ;D

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/10:47 PM]

Site Owner

Benedict Chong is MEE Can just call me BEN :D
Birthday's on 1/5/97

Currently 12 this year
Love AuditionSEA & (:
Love Rakion <3 a lot too;D
Currently Single


.More Freedom
.More $$
.NO Internet Protector in both coms
.Outing with friends
.Yummy <3
.Private Wish!xD

Leave a tag,tq(:


♥This blog skin is all thanks to Aishah ;D