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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Parent's Date Of Marriage

Yesterday was my parent's 17th year of marriage!~ But the starting of the day
was rather boring~ As usual, brother using com since 6 o'clock. So slack on bed
sms~ After breakfast, I used the com :D Used till afternoon then switch. So I
out some of my secondary textbooks and read lorhs. Read read read. Sians already,
then watch tv. Story skip until night. We went to "Jack's Place". The bill
was blood sucking -_- but the food was simply delicious!;) Yum. Then come home
and used msn. Talked to Aishah to change blogskin. Full of skull heads;D Thanks
jie <3 loves

Today morning woke up at 9.28am. Then slack slack agains. Then see brudder use
com. Now using msn. Someone has online!~ My favourite girl ;D hahs later at night
then continue this post byes ;D

PWNED@[/10:37 AM]

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Finally Can Play With Her <3

Yesterday just walk with Phang Phang go West Coast Plaza. Just had a normal walk and talk about stuffs like girls,school, etc. Then he suggested me to go his house and played XBox but I rejected coz it was going to rain and I know that my mother will not be happy. So walked home, mother said '' Lucky arh, going to rain already.'' Then I just go in to room and continued life.

It is because playing with her makes me happy ;) It's been a long time since we played together. So now waiting for her to finish updating her blog before going in audi. Brudder's out with Wei Xiang to meet a friend so I am at home with mother. Later deciding to play basktball with Jie Han. So really hope that there will be no rain. Well, ending here. Byes

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/1:43 PM]

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sorry ;(

Sorry so long bo post already. Lazy... Yesterday, went to relatives wedding;D pictures will be posted soon. But after the wedding at home, I was sleeping. Suddenly start shivering and feeling sick and weak. Then just tried to sleep until like 6.30, Saw light below door so went outside and drank a cup of ice water. Father asked me to eat ''Panadol'' But I said nevermind. So watched abit of television then go back room and sleep again. Woke up, Breakfast. Totally no appetite -_- After breakfast,sleep again for like 2 hours then force myself to wake up. Then mother took out some medicine and gave me. So I ate it. Felt a little better. And place a cold patch also. Then like always very tired so sleep for only 30 mins then Sp called and asked me out to West Plaza. So went lorhs. And now here posting. got headache -_-

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/3:10 PM]

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Pictures Of Aud :D

PWNED@[/3:32 PM]

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Certificate Day ~

Today went jogging with Lynn and Aishah ;D Run until want to vomit. Aishah and Lynn run abit then like want die already LOLS! Today all the primary 6 students are getting their PSLE certificate. And I was with mother at around 2. I went there, Didn't even see any primary 6 there collecting their certificate. All empty. Then when IMM with mother ._. lucky got someone from CTP to sms me ;) While mother was looking at girl stuff, I was at one side smsin all the way. Today, Used very less com. Came back home from IMM, Jie Han smsed to go play basketball. So asked mother and went off. I win agains! hahs. Came back sweating like dog... Took a bathe and watched tv ;D watch until dinner. Had dinner, watched tv agains. Watch till 9 plus then using com already. Use till now.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/10:09 PM]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
As Usually As Always :D

Sorry yesterday nvr p0st. Yesterday was playing AuditionSEA with baby <3 Married on 7/12/09! Our watch list was full :D And Axel was kinda bsterd so I kicked him and straightaway start LOLS! At the first try, We failed by one heart.;sob :'( But at the other try, we perfected at the ending at instead of getting 2 hearts, we got 4 hearts! The very moment I see that all the requirements were finished, I was veryveryvery happy:D Everyone congratulated us ;) Thanks for all who came.

Today, as usually as always -_-. Woke up, ate breakfast, and read some newspaper comics ;) But luckily I have the person to accompany me to sms ;D We every morning also will sms ;D Today talked halfway about some h***y stuff.:D and now kinda waiting for her sms for quite a long time already.Maybe she dosed off while I sms her. Then sians -_- Nobody smsed me. Wanted to go Library with SP but when i asked him,He was already in the library == Now using father's new laptop for blogging. The com is currently using by my brother. Really want to play the com now because this laptop, is very damn lag! == AuditionSEA can't load while Rakion and Wolfteam is lagging like hell. sians larhs. People, If I did not reply your messages,that means either I am busy smsing the person or busy doing something else. Really apologize for not replying:X Btw, Today just finished my license;D Pictures will be uploaded soon. Now going to tag at people's blog =P See you people at my next p0st!~

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/9:55 PM]

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Disappointed at LAN :(

Today was suppose to b my wedding but it turned out that the internet got problem. So nothing can be done. So I played cc4 with Jun Wei. Pwnage man ;D Then there was a empty seat beside my brother. So changed. Play audi agns. Then play L4D 2
verus mode with brother. Charger is fun ;) Play like only 5 mins then Gladys called us to go Audi. So we go lorhs. And played lots of lovely ._. lovely freak. So play play until left like 20 mins, Gladys and Lynn go already. So left me and brother. We played a little of L4D 2 agns. Till like 4mins then zhao alr.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/7:12 PM]

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Fun At LAN~

This post is 4 yesterday. Yesterday went LAN with brother,two of his friends and me. But one of his friend came late so we three played first. We tried L4D 2 but it cant load so we load L4D. Lagged like ****. So we played our own games. Thn play awhile only then they sian. So try L4D again. And it loaded so smoothly!:D We started off with Versus mode. I teamed with brother's friend. We lose so much :( But it was only a game so it didn't matter that much. We play play play till time out.Then we left.We leave one of my brother's friend alone. Cos he came late. When we were walking to the bus interchange, Wei Xiang called my brother and asked if we were going to LAN. So brother told him we were just leaving. And they were just leaving their house. So when home and continued live.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/11:29 AM]

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Boring Day~

Today, woke up quite early.About 7. Then see brother using the com. So decided to sms.And unfortunately, the person's brother got into an accident. So unlucky. So tried 2 comfort the person. So when I started 2 use, Used AuditionSEA 4 awhile,
then went to Rakion;D Leveled up!(44)Played and sms at the same time.So hard >.< Then went for injecion.. Really painful ;( Getting another next year and then blood test. Die arhs. Pain like hell.... Now still smsing the person. Well, Hope the person's brother is okay.

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/8:06 PM]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
BIG Thanks <3

Hope ur reall like this skin ;D I like Pon And Zi ;D All this changes ar
done by Aishah, My Jie <3 Really really thank her 4 helping me if not
this blog will be the same 4eva. Thanks Agn Jie! Love you;D

Benedict Chonq

PWNED@[/9:43 PM]

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today went Jurong Library with Sp. Went there, saw his friends, borrowed one book
, then zhao already. lame sia him. Then he ate at Kopitiam. After that, took
mrt and went home. A moment later, Jie Han called me and asked me to play some
basketball. So went home,changed and went off. Won him ;D 7-10. Then went to
West Plaza cos he want buy something. Today, Sp and I realised that someone likes
me... Keep sms me and him .

PWNED@[/10:25 PM]

Site Owner

Benedict Chong is MEE Can just call me BEN :D
Birthday's on 1/5/97

Currently 12 this year
Love AuditionSEA & (:
Love Rakion <3 a lot too;D
Currently Single


.More Freedom
.More $$
.NO Internet Protector in both coms
.Outing with friends
.Yummy <3
.Private Wish!xD

Leave a tag,tq(:


♥This blog skin is all thanks to Aishah ;D