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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day by day a boring day passes by...
I hope u guy & girls are having a fun time!
For those who smsed me and I did not reply,
Sorry! I just don't feel like replying at the moment. Maybe next time barhs?
Is not that I am ignoring you guys. If u guys or girls are angry at me,
Just leave me alone.. And everything will be fine for you.

PWNED@[/12:52 PM]

Friday, October 30, 2009

Back 2 posting agns:D Long time nvr post liao. Now here listening music!<3 At home so bored... No AuditionSEA :( So long never play with her liao

PWNED@[/9:41 PM]

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hey, back to posting again:) Now at father's office again.. ._. So sians.. no AuditinSEA here. Today quite early came here already so I am just posting my blog which is what I am doing now and my father is asking me to post photos of my family and I In this blog.

Benedict Chong:D

PWNED@[/12:45 PM]

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hey guys! Back posting agns:D Today quite boring as my brother have got school and I am the only child at home, no com and no sms partner. Speaking of sms partner, thanks Regina for pei-ing me yesterday:) Thanks <3

PWNED@[/2:37 PM]

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another cfm but this time, the song is Brown Eyed Girls ''You'' 180 bpm. Once again, no hacking was activated.

PWNED@[/10:23 PM]

Cfm in Love Mode! No hacking was activated in this game.

PWNED@[/10:19 PM]

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ha11zz.. T0d4y, B0r1ng! N0th1ng t0 d0. 1 am at my fath3r's off1ce and th3 AuditionSEA 1s n0t w0rk1ng so I am ent3rta1n1ng myself by g01ng t0 pe0ple's blog. Lat3r I h0p3 my br0ther w1ll let me use the com.

End 0f p0st l1a0...
Btw, tags 1n my bl0g when poss1ble!

PWNED@[/4:43 PM]

Site Owner

Benedict Chong is MEE Can just call me BEN :D
Birthday's on 1/5/97

Currently 12 this year
Love AuditionSEA & (:
Love Rakion <3 a lot too;D
Currently Single


.More Freedom
.More $$
.NO Internet Protector in both coms
.Outing with friends
.Yummy <3
.Private Wish!xD

Leave a tag,tq(:


♥This blog skin is all thanks to Aishah ;D