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Saturday, September 26, 2009

I've returned from posting! Today Gladys,Jerene,WeiHeng,Marcus and Axel went to the Clementi Swimming Complex ( I think) Russell and I wanted to go there to have a look there then loiter around Clementi but ended up, Russell was in his grandmother's house! Then I stayed at home doing my homework, then slack for awhile then I got to play:) So used for like 15mins? Then watched tv till 6 then went to ''Jack's Place'' Simply Delicious! Saw Liang Yu there too but did not say hi cos I was eating. So walk around the West Coast Centre for awhile and went home. So here posting lorhs. End Of Post~ Bye

PWNED@[/9:24 PM]

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today so sians.. after my breakfast, just watched ''The Suite Life On Deck'' Damn Funny! Then went to use com. Trained my noobie account. Msn, then blog (: It was 12 something. Did my homework, then sians alr. Ate lunch, watched television agn, then used com agn!

End of Post~

PWNED@[/8:02 PM]

This is my only picture with Baby and me <3
This song is the same as below and i don have the metronome item,is everytime u replay have de
This is without chance activated and got 1mil for ''Be My Lover.''

This is my new Audition Account and the song played is ''Heavy Metal Sydrome.'' Just wanted to show your my first one mil in this song! ( With Chance)

PWNED@[/11:46 AM]

Saturday, September 19, 2009

SIANS! AuditionSEA account kena restricted.. then now only can entertain myself with music,msn and blog. So life for me is really,really boring. Hope all of your lifes are much better than mine. Haiiz.. End liao bye

These are my Prelim Results

English 55/100( okay larhs)
Chinese 67/100(:D)
Science 62/100(:D)
Math 43/100 :(

PWNED@[/10:31 PM]

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today so sians............Had a Haircut >.< My Brother's hair so funny hahs! Today is veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery boring!!!!!!!!! Really really nothing to say today. Sorry for the short post today. And I don wan write so long liao.. Cos Ur also don't bother to read so long. Also I crap de larhs.

PWNED@[/6:47 PM]

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today woke up at 7 plus. watched some television,ate my breakfast, and slack for awhile. use come at 10 plus till 12 then brother use. I did practice papers, ate lunch, then slackslack. haiizz.. My life is so boring..... but nbm, what can I do?!

PWNED@[/8:59 PM]

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Today just came back from Langkawi.(In Malaysia) It was quite fun over there, especially when I was jet skiing. The second day was the most tiring day. Woke up at 4 plus, Then tried to sleep again and woke up at 7.30am. Ate breakfast, 8 plus going 9. Met tour guide at the lobby. He brought us to a ferry terminal like that and told us where we were going to go. Bat Cave, ( They were sleeping... =='') See some fish, I liked the archerfish as it can shoot the bread off the table and into the sea to eat it! After that went to the crocodile cave.It was boring as they were no crocodile in it but last time there was so they called it the ''Crocodile Cave''. Then fed some fish with bread and fed the eagles with chicken skin. The way they swoop down and took the chicken skin amazed me! Then went swimming. ( Quite Dirty) Then ate lunch in a floating restaurant. (Yum!) Went back to hotel and I went swimming alone in the swimming pool while my father,mother and brother slept. I was like so bored. After a few minutes of swimming, my father woke up and decided that we went jet skiing. So I agreed and we went jet skiing. And when we were done, we went back to the swimming pool and my mother and my brother were gone! So we went back to the hotel and saw my mother and my brother in the hotel watching television and eating some tibits. I bathed and joined them. Then went out for an early dinner at the USSR restaurant. ( Russian Type) I ordered the Salmon Grill. Nice:) Then went back to the hotel lobby and we went to a Lounge. My mother said that she would be waiting outside but when we got out, she was gone. So my father said that she maybe is tired so we played some table tennis.(Was very tiring and was sweating like crazy.)After that we went back to our room and my mother was watching television. I bathed, watched television and went to bed.I did not write finish as I don't think you all won't bother to read at all. Well, that's the end of my post for today. Going to play AuditionSEA soon. Bye :)

PWNED@[/7:40 PM]

Friday, September 4, 2009

Today wen to school as usual. Came back at 3.00pm. Showed My mother my report book and earned some $$ i earn $117 ! but I took $67 and put $50 In my bank. Ate lunch, watched television. Watched '' You're The One'' at 5.30- 6.30pm. At 5.55pm, Went to WCP to meet Sp and Russell. Went there for like a few mins only then went out liao. Then Axel said he wanted to follow so i waited at the bustop. But he did not appear so I walked home. reached home. Used com and now posting End of Post :D

PWNED@[/10:44 PM]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Haiizz, So long nvr update le, so today post lorh. Mother played mahjong but cousins didn't come >< They didn' come so bored. But at 2plus, went to Siu Phang's House thenn went to West Coast Plaza walkwalk. Siu Phang wanted to eat there so Russell and I went out. We discussed on where were we going. Then went there and saw Jake,Weili,Wei Xiang,Afina,Xian Xing, Lynn And Jerene. Lynn And Wei Xiang did not look any different even though quite long did not see them le. Love you Jie and Kor And Mei's <3

PWNED@[/9:54 PM]

Site Owner

Benedict Chong is MEE Can just call me BEN :D
Birthday's on 1/5/97

Currently 12 this year
Love AuditionSEA & (:
Love Rakion <3 a lot too;D
Currently Single


.More Freedom
.More $$
.NO Internet Protector in both coms
.Outing with friends
.Yummy <3
.Private Wish!xD

Leave a tag,tq(:


♥This blog skin is all thanks to Aishah ;D